
Showing posts from July, 2020

#AQUARIUS 2020-2021 Love and social life Horoscope Overview

READ MORE : --->>> Dear Aquarius The love and romantic life is not prominent this year 2020. For a start, most of the long-term planets are in the Eastern sector of self –of personal independence. While the Western, social sector will strengthen as the year unfolds, it will never overpower the Eastern sector. At its strongest (and this will only be for brief periods) it will equal the Eastern sector. So, you are more independent this year 2020. More self-sufficient. You chart your own course. You have less need of others than usual. Spirituality has been prominent in your Horoscope for many years, and this trend continues in the year ahead until 2021 . Pluto, your career planet, has been in your... --->>     2020 to 20201 MONTHLY  HOROSCOPE       CHOOSE YOUR SIGN                                                 

#PISCES 2020-2021 Love and social life Horoscope Overview

READ MORE : --->>> Dear Pisces The year ahead 2020-2021 will be an active social year, but not an especially romantic one. It’s more about friendships and group activities than about romance. There are a few reasons for this. The Eastern sector of self is, overall, the most dominant sector in your chart this year. While the Western social sector will strengthen as the year progresses to 2021, it will never be stronger than the Eastern sector.  In addition, your 7th house of love and romance is ... --->>     2020 to 20201 MONTHLY  HOROSCOPE       CHOOSE YOUR SIGN                                                                            #horoscope #zodiac READ MORE : --->>> #PISCES 2020-2021 Love and social life Horoscope Overview

Who will be fortunate for you financially?

READ MORE : --->>> Some Signs of the zodiac can work like magic charms, for you Scorpio , when it comes to advancing financially. A Sagittarius, for example, innately understands your talents and how  you can expand your earning power.  This well-traveled one even may be able to help expand your...  --->>     2020 to 20201 MONTHLY  HOROSCOPE       CHOOSE YOUR SIGN                                                                            #zodiacseason READ MORE : --->>> Who will be fortunate for you financially? >

#SCORPIO: How to stay on the right course to success

READ MORE : --->>> Astrology can help keep you on track in pursuing career, love or money success, Scorpio . Your natural strength and intensity will be enhanced by certain people, attitudes or strategies that  further your quest.  In your career, you Scorpios will benefit through...       2020 to 20201 MONTHLY  HOROSCOPE       CHOOSE YOUR SIGN                                                                            #zodiacseason READ MORE : --->>> #SCORPIO: How to stay on the right course to success >

#SCORPIO: How to impress the opposite sex

READ MORE : --->>> In the battle of love, you are a four-star general, Scorpio , very much in command. You know how to deploy you dynamic personality in order to capture attention- if not love itself. Your need for intense involvement is great. But you passions often smolder underground for longtime before they are revealed.  You have a gentle, deeply sensitive side, and that can be your most potent weapon in winning warm affection. Your psychic, mystic self is closely in tune with the feelings on others. Reveal more of this side of your nature to the one you have chosen to pursue.  Wait, however, for a dramatic, overwhelming moment when the stage is set with a ...     2020 to 20201 MONTHLY  HOROSCOPE       CHOOSE YOUR SIGN                                                                          

Your Best Trait You've Never Realized You Have according to Zodiac

READ MORE : --->>> While your sense of self seems all encompassing, sometimes parts of your personality are still foreign to you. Other people may pick up on parts of who you are that you may not realize, due to anything from insecurity to over-confidence, depending on your zodiac sign. Your sun sign personality may be way more complicated than you realize. Here is the trait you may not realize you have, according to your zodiac sign. Aries  : You're Competitive As an Aries, you may not realize how your ambition can come across as fiercely competitive to others. "Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and thrives by being these best at everything," Taurus  : You Can Turn Pain Into Art  --->>     2020 to 20201 MONTHLY  HOROSCOPE       CHOOSE YOUR SIGN                                            

The Hidden Desires Of Each Zodiac Sign

READ MORE : --->>> Every person has some hidden desires deep within them. Ever wondered what it might be? Each zodiac sign has an enormous hidden desire for one thing which they will stop at nothing to obtain it. What inspires the Zodiacs each morning to get up? Aries (March 21st and April 19th) Aries desire to take the lead They desire to take the lead,...  --->>>     2020 to 20201 MONTHLY  HOROSCOPE       CHOOSE YOUR SIGN                                                                            #zodiac READ MORE : --->>> The Hidden Desires Of Each Zodiac Sign >

SCORPIO : August 2020 Monthly Astrological Review

READ MORE : --->>>  Dear Scorpio A successful — relatively speaking — month ahead  of August 2020 , Scorpio. Though the night side of your Horoscope is still dominant, it is good to give more attention to the career. Probably you will shuffle back and forth between home and career, working to be successful at both        Health will improve dramatically after the 22nd of August 2020.  Your financial planet,  Jupiter, will be part of a very fortunate Grand Trine in the Earth signs... CONTINUE READING  --->>>     NEXT MONTH --->>>       SEPTEMBER 2020   OCTOBER 2020 SCORPIO  2021 ---->>>       MAJOR TREND       MORE ABOUT SCORPIO ...  SCORPIO 2021 Major Trend Horoscope  Read more --->>> SCORPIO 2021 Major trend prediction for Home and Family  Read more --->>> SCORPIO Love and Social Life 2021  Read more --

#SCORPIO: How to make a first rate impression

READ MORE : --->>> When you meet someone new and want to make a good impression, your first words are important Though you love to appear mysterious, Scorpio , don't make others guess whether you like them or not Use your natural resourcefulness to think up some unique compliment that conveys your good will.  To attract lovers, friends or colleagues who are worthy of your loyalty,...     2020 to 20201 MONTHLY  HOROSCOPE       CHOOSE YOUR SIGN                                                                            #zodiacseason READ MORE : --->>> #SCORPIO: How to make a first rate impression >

#SCORPIO: Your hidden strengths — how to use them for success

READ MORE : --->>> As a Scorpio, your obvious strengths are your determination, industry and courage. These traits are second nature and easy to use for success. But, your hidden strengths may be even more effective, once tapped. Because they are buried deep within your subconscious mind, a special technique may be needed to activate them.  Your greatest hidden strength is an...     2020 to 20201 MONTHLY  HOROSCOPE       CHOOSE YOUR SIGN                                                                            #zodiac READ MORE : --->>> #SCORPIO: Your hidden strengths — how to use them for success >

#SCORPIO: Have you found your true love

READ MORE : --->>> You're a passionate, intensely loyal person, Scorpio , who fiercely protects you loved ones. Since you hold others to the same high standards, you don'tgive your heart away too easily.  To determine how well you match a new prospect, check the qualities below that apply:      2020 to 20201 MONTHLY  HOROSCOPE       CHOOSE YOUR SIGN                                                                            #zodiacseason READ MORE : --->>> #SCORPIO: Have you found your true love >

Secrets of intimacy for #Scorpio

READ MORE : --->>> Intimacy means being honest and totally accepting of another person. Both partners must feel they can be completely them-selves and safely expose their inadequacies, Knowing they will not be judge or criticized.  When companions are accepting, a warm trusting bond is kindled that can endure almost any obstacle. In Astrology, each Sign has its own unique way of creating and maintaining intimacy.  Your House of Intimacy Scorpio, is ruled by ...     2020 to 20201 MONTHLY  HOROSCOPE       CHOOSE YOUR SIGN                                                                            #zodiac #zodiacseason READ MORE : --->>> Secrets of intimacy for #Scorpio >